Tuesday, August 9, 2011

feeling quite emotional in the time being...
i know i shouldn't post anything when i'm feeling emotional,yet...i need a place to put a load off my mind...

it seemed like for a moment i lost faith to humankind...

i read about the riots but never knew it was this bad...
those images i saw online...seem so unreal,as if it was some scene in an action movie..
i always feel so helpless when i see images like this.
really really helpless,i can only cry right now. and yes,pray.for the innocent people's life and safety..
i have absolutely no idea what the real cause of the riot is,no matter how many times i read the articles i just don't get it.maybe my brain is just rejecting the 'reason' behind the riots..i can't seem to find any right reason for doing that.

i can't help but to be reminded of images of hell by those pictures.have they just moved hell to earth?
what are humans doing to this earth...

i can't even think right now...

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