Friday, July 15, 2011

now i'm totally bored......
cos i'm left alone while my dearest darlings -> iwen,shery and dcy are going to the Korean Music Wave~!i'm going to roll around on the floor*mentally* cos the floor in my room isn't exactly the to distract my mind from the whole concert i shall write something~well actually was planning to watch MuBank but unfortunately the streaming is so late today~!!! 6pm no likey~i need to buy dinner


what am i doing here?i'm not even writing properly..
weeell~~~let's talk about something...but my mind's filled with KMW KMW and KMW..
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~the endless scream that fills my head.

let's end it's not even good enough to post but whatever~i need a space to put all my thoughts away for a while...this is the only place available[?]


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