Saturday, July 9, 2011

this is awkward lol


it's so awkward to try to blog again after i've left it for ages~
some of my readers, old and new, have been asking me to return to my i'm writing like sooooo formally.*this is stupid* i feel so lost.
i feel like banging my head to my laptop..*dies

end of story[?]

is it possible for someone like me to write only that small paragraph?huh?huh?
if i wrote only something like that would u guys even believe that it was meee?
okay it's actually possible..*gosh what am i doing to myself?
well of course the first paragraph was more awkward than this part, i sat staring to the screen liek for 10 minutes before writing this, sucking in some inspiration from the air like lol.i think i found my old blogger self back already~hahahahahha*i'm so friggin exciteeeed*
i kinda forgot my old writing style, so i guess i might just as well forget about it then.hahahahha. it's the new and improved jellyfish~*well i hope i improved haha*

so i might as well tell my beloved readers about how my current life is.*well i don't care whether u're going to like it or not,i'm going to write it anyway*
i'm currently at Hualien, mom totally dumped me here.but i love her for doing that to me.i love my mom whatever she does to me hahahha.i'm loving my stay here*up till this second* i still have a month to go before i can breathe some indonesian air*which is filled with the smell of my favorite food*

well i still love K-POP a lot so for some of my readers which hoped i've kicked that pretty faced hot bodied addiction,u might want to keep hoping till it happens,which means u have to continue hoping for a few decades.i wish u good luck~!

to tell u the truth i'm not sure whether i'll be back for good...
well if i get more praises from darling readers maybe i'll continue writing..if i get more hates than loves i'll just take another leave from this blog.hahahhaha.


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