Saturday, July 23, 2011


okay my mom's so going to flip when she reads the,it's just a title,ur lovely daughter is not in love with a REAL jamaican beggar.only someone who used to look like one.

i think i have to write a precaution for all of my baby readers...
CAUTION: this post will be filled with a lot of my subjective opinions.if u are a hater of other people's opinion cos u think u're the most CORRECT person alive on earth,i shall nicely ask u to go read some other blog. :D but most of it is just for fun tho..nothing serious~i mean,i always write crap so whatever. AND IT'S RELATED TO KPOP.*well now i'm srsly hearing sounds of people clicking the [x] button on their window or tabs* TT^TT 

well now let me introduce the jamaican beggar i'm in love with~~his name is ZICO.
okay...i know some of u might be speechless.well i was speechless when i first saw his dreadlocks...well,not exactly was becos my mouth was so busy laughing that my ass fell off.
but he's no longer a jamaican beggar~!cos he said bye bye to his dreadlocks...yes.dreadlocks is a reaaaallly suitable name for that hairstyle cos i totally dread it~! now he's a hottie~!!hot hottie hot hot hottie~
aaaaw~look at how sentimental he is~i still hate his dreadlocks whatever.hahaha
look at his current hair how can u not love his new hair~~now he's cute..
well there's another reason why he was called a jamaican beggar~and no i have nothing against jamaican,i only have a thing against dreadlocks~
look at him~randomly strumming the guitar with maknae P.O or pyopyo~~
and not to forget,P.O,has a really sexy voice.his voice,to me,is second only to T.O.P cos T.O.P is like my total rapper bias.


okay he's a total derp but that's exactly why i like him~although sexy voice + that dance move = no match at all but i still love him whatever.hahahha

and yeah some of u are probably wondering where those 2 idiots came from.
so they are members of a new boy band called block b~
their members consist of a jamaican beggar ZICO,a derp face since 1990 JAEHYO,sharkboy TAEIL,sexy dancer B-BOMB,kitty UKWON,KYUNGcumber,and maknae P.O~*well that sound messed up*
and one of my fave Block B song
this song totally messed with my spelling.well this whole band messed with my spelling.
if u actually watch the vid,u'd probably see a part the lyrics that says: YOU WANNA BE GORGES 

and as most of my older*not determined by real age,but by the time they read my blog* readers know,i am an avid lover of a boyband called SHINee.they're like forever in the no.1 spot of my bias list.well now they totally got kicked by Block B.
this is the image that floats around in my head when i think about Key being kicked out by Zico.*look at Key's mustache~why u no shave cleaner~!yes i have something about mustaches please go ahead and judge me~*
and another thing that kinda shocked me is that ZICO was actually supposed to be a member of SHINee.i was liek HELL NO~!thank goodness ZICO left SM Ent.
i am surprised myself that i actually had that thought cos i am a forever supporter of SHINee,but the truth is ZICO is too good for SHINee.i mean SHINee would have totally waste ZICO's talents.oooorrr,SHINee wouldn't be the SHINee that most Shawols know now.imagine SHINee being a hip hop group.i can't.i can't imagine ZICO singing noona neomu yeppeo either~i mean imagine a jamaican beggar singing that to u,u'll probably shit ur pants out of fear.forever LMAO-ing at that thought.
well i didn't just say all that without any evidence to support my point of view.there are a lot of ZICO's mixtape on youtube u can search it.although i'm never really a fan of hiphop, Zico's rap totally caught my attention.his choice of words totally amaze me.i wouldn't be the least surprised if he totally stayed on top of my bias list and forever making Key the no.2..i love guys who got talent,or at least is reeaaallly good at something.well Key's actually real good at a lot of things,but ZICO is totally good at what he's doing..i think that it's really attractive~haha.yes i'm attracted to 2 kinds of guys right now,those who are really good at what they are doing,and those who are totally lost.i find guys that are somewhat lost in the middle of their life so cute.well only sometimes.i mean the types of guys i'm attracted to changes from time to time.i am sooooo indecisive~

back to ZICO..haha.
he's only a year older than i am.a 92 liner,but his freestyle raps never cease to amaze me.his choice of words,unbelievable for someone his age*InMyOpinion* well his living self is amazing to me.he was the one who made HELLO KITTY HIPHOP~i mean he has such a great love for hello kitty idek why.that's so not fitting for his image..okay i just have a prejudiced opinion against hello am i supposed to like a cat without a mouth.*okay it's irrelevant but who cares i just dont like hello kitty so i'm making excuses to hate it*
but then i think i totally lost my mind cos i actually searched for 'HIP HOP HELLOKITTY' on google..and look what i found~!
forever hating hello kitty.i love mickey mouse~he's a whole lot better~
and yes i'm totally out of my mind cos i searched for 'hip hop mickey mouse' and yeah i'm not the only one who's mad in this world
are u mad brah?*i forever fail at rapping i got no swag*

i will forever spazz BLOCK B till the day i finally go to the SHINee World Concert~~so i'll probably have to pray hard so that i can get a tix~~well,it's actually my darling sis from another ma,Iwen,who's going to help me buy it~so i'll send her a lot of love and money for helping me~~darling Iwen i'll forever love u~! ;*

before this post gets too long,
and forever thankful to tumblr and google for pics and gifs,and youtube for vids.

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