Sunday, July 31, 2011


aaaw~ yes it's me being lazy and blogging at the same time..
ah..i am supposed to be outside right now.out with my bebe friends to the beach~to the hotsprings.but well,last night i suddenly got a bad feeling about the trip.i shall not risk getting more scars in my body even though i know i'll be missing A LOT of fun stuffs.

well most of u guys reading this might be thinking,WTF is wrong with me.why am i trusting this feeling that can't even be proven scientifically..well,lemme tell u.i ignored this kind of feeling twice and my car got bumped twice.and the second one was reeeeaaally bad~!from that day on i always trusted my feeling or u can say GUTS when i'm doing stuffs.and since this time i'm so far from home,i don't want to mess around.i don't think i will still be able to laugh if i got into some kind of accident here. >< me don't want to dies young*omg bad grammar* me want to dies with my grandchildren around me~ ahhahaha.

so sorry bebes.i'll just stay at the dorm and do nothing......
*a few moments later* 
me wants to gooooo~~~
ah but i regret nothing bebe~!hahahhahah

so..since i don't have anything to do~let's talk about something....

well i gotta say my world kinda revolves around kpop right now.ah my posts...
when one of my friends told me he read my blog..i was like 
*so happy i could bounce around him* bounce like a bunny bebeh~!
i just love it when someone tells me s/he reads my blog,especially when they say they like what i wrote~i mean who doesn't love to be complimented? i know i do~i'm past the age of rejecting compliments,now i just say thanks and accept it.haha!

but then when my brain starts to think straight again and i remembered what i posted..
i feel kinda embarrassed...

bebe readers,rly i'm sorry to put u thru this but I CAN'T HELP IT~~IT'S SO MUCH FUUUUN~

okay i'm so not concentrating.

well there are a few things in my mind right now..
sometimes i wonder how humans connect to each other.i think it's kinda magical how some people seem to understand each other really well that they don't need words to that what they call soulmates?i don't know cos obviously i dont know what soulmates are..
but i'm quite lucky to find a few friends that can understand me.becos i personally think,that in friendships,understanding each other is the most important thing.i mean u can be friends with someone for more than 10 years and not understand that person at all.which is really bad i not be able to connect with someone after years and years of friendship..

and another thing that kinda amaze me is love at first sight.i used to think that it only happens on movies and dramas,until i experienced it myself*kinda,cos i'm not sure whether it's love LMAO*.well maybe a lot of u guys are non-believers but whatever.lemme tell u,it's real.haha.although there's no happy ending to my story*yet* but whatever~as long as i'm happy XD
well the whole episode of my drama is kinda short i went out with my family for lunch at a mall and i decided to accompany my cousin to the restroom.outside of the restroom there was a CD store so i told my cousin to go inside herself while i wait for her in the CD store.that's when i met him.he was wearing a light blue short sleeved plaid shirt with a white tee inside,straight cut light blue jeans and white sneakers.he was choosing a few dvds when he caught my attention.and i totally can't take my eyes off him.i don't think he's the type which is extremely hot or extremely good looking,believe me i've seen my fair share of good looking guys.i was already smiling to myself while i was sneaking a few looks at him.*oh pls i cant possibly stare at him the whole CD store was so small* well he totally didn't find out that i was interested in him until the moment when he left the store.he was walking out and turning into a corner when i decided i have to get a last look of his back.that was when HE TURNED HIS BACK TO MY DIRECTION AND SAW ME PEEKING FROM AFAR.he totally smiled at me and i was like, soul just flew away.hahaha so hilarious and stupid at the same time i should have just asked for his everytime i think of the whole episode i feel like banging my head on the wall.well it happened last year,when my cousin came back from the states for a summer holiday.i still remember the exact date i met was last year's 10th of july. and yes i'm a psychotic girl for remembering stuff like that so vividly.*if i actually used my memory on more important stuffs like maths,i'd be a genius now*now everytime i go to that CD store i'd take a look,who knows he'll be standing near one of the shelves,choosing a few dvds like the last time.haha.i think i saw him again a few months ago,but i wasn't sure whether it was,i was shopping with my friend when a guy walked past me.our eyes met,and we kinda looked at each other for a few seconds.but my baby brain worked slow as hell,i only realised that he might be the same guy i saw last year when he's going down the escalator,too far to be sure whether it was him.well i'm sure his brain stalled abit too or else he would have smiled or something.WTH.hahahhaha.he was alone on both occasion that i met him.i hope the next time i meet him he'll still be alone and not in some other girl's arm.i'd probably smile to him first if i actually meet him again.i don't want to let the opportunity go since this is the first time i'm actually so attracted to someone i don't even know.

and yeah i've never been in a relationship at all.i don't know,but maybe a few of u would be like:girl are u even real?  well i'm a real living breathing person and yes i've never been in a relationship it something to be ashamed of?to lived for 18 years and never been in a relationship before?i don't know.but then again i don't think so.i should be ashamed if i did something wrong or bad.but being single is not wrong nor i think i'm fine.haha.well what can i do?i haven't found that right'll be nice if i can marry the first person i date.hahaha.does that still happen in real life?maybe yes,but not much?

i think i'm ugly and nobody wants to love me.just like her i wanna be pretty.don't lie to my face,telling me i'm pretty~♪ [UGLY - 2NE1]
this song is stuck on my head.well i'll talk about it the next time i blog.i'll talk about some of my insecurities as well.
so cos this post is already quite long,

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