first of all i shall do the routine apology that i do in every single post of mine.. i'm sorry for not posting for so so so so long~ please accept my apology and this cup of tea~
honestly i have no idea what i'm going to write about today.. as usual my post usually starts normally with me apologizing and ends up with me ranting about every single thing that displeases meeeeee~ /sigh/
well not that there's a lot of stuff that displeases me is happening now..maybe one or two but i can still handle it so let's just hope that this high tea can keep me high enough that i won't rant by the end of this beautiful post teehee
maybe i should start talking about some stuffs that's been happening to me in these few weeks? like a short update? so..last week was Davis' PICNIC DAY~
so.. what's a picnic day? well it's not really like what i imagined it to be so let me elaborate. it's called picnic day maybe because it started as a day when people get out for a picnic? but it evolved into something else.idk.. but in a nutshell, Davis' picnic day is a yearly event that takes place in the supposedly 'start of spring' i guess.. and what do people do there? well, the day starts with a parade, which i personally loved! whether it's the parade i love or something else about it that i loved, i'll tell you guys in a while /winkwink/ and then there were activities that takes place in the UC Davis campus..some were cool, some were okay, some were... idk..i just don't like it haha! well the whole day is really fun. but, i would personally enjoy it more if it wasn't freaking 90 degrees that day.. in fahrenheit that is.. i can only imagine myself getting slowly roasted or broiled in 90 degrees celsius..yum~ but the only thing i love about the weather that day is that it induced the guys with hot delicious bodies into thinking that it's best that they go topless.. i think i'm very lucky to not find one that's fully naked, the heat was just ugh! sidenote: it's actually not that hot if compared to indo. just meh~ but after 3 months of winter you would imagine the sudden heat to be sooo unbearable~ and i'm still deciding whether i'm supposed to be happy or sad when i got tanned, cos i honestly was starting to get a little bit too yellow for my liking.. not that it's wrong to be yellow, that's what asians are supposed to be..yellow /harharhar/ *srsly do not treat me srsly*
well there guys also get a lot of treat for the eyes~ cos obviously the girls figured it's time to bring their sundresses out!!and maybe a couple of short shorts.. i myself wore a pair of shorts~ my pretty legs' debut in america baby! and yes in case you wondered sometimes, i was induced into thinking that unshaved legs were creepy since the first day i was here so guess what, i shaved my legs!!! i am so easily influenced but then again when you see every single girls here with smooth legs you'd feel like you're inclined to do that... trust me, i did my research.. and by research i mean staring at girls' legs every single day. i was just basically trying to spot a girl with hairy legs to tell me "jane,it's okay to not shave.." sadly i just couldn't find one.. so sad...... hahahaha but srsly, i really did that.
i must say i didn't really enjoy the day at all. i was basically walking all around campus, which is, at least personally i think, unbelievably big. my college campus seems so small compared to UCD~ dammit i should hurry and transfer to a UC lol. so it was hot as hell*pun intended* and i spent the whole day walking around under the sun.. with only hot and cute topless guys walking around as my consolation, it truly was not that great of a day. i have photos, but mostly of the parade..because of... reasons.. i wish i could elaborate but i just could not find words to explain haha. excuses~ it's because my energy was basically drained at around noon and i was already a hot piece of mess and by hot i don't mean sexy hot but literally temperature hot..damn that sun..i love you!
i'm starting to rant here haha~
so besides of my adventure on picnic day maybe i talk about a new love visual[?] interest of mine...because truly love is not a word i should use ever so easily, what do i know about love between a man and a woman. not much i guess..haha! *someone stop me before i try to write in a corny way*
well, he's a very interesting target i must say, cos he shifted from being a visual interest to someone i really really want to be friends with.. i noticed him first when he's driving a bus. and before anyone of you say "WHATT? you're interested in a bus driver? srsly??? jane? jane?" let me tell you something, he's a student and before you ask how the fuck did i know that, it's because almost all the bus drivers of Davis' Unitrans are students.. it's a UCD bus company, basically creating jobs and convenience for students. nice right? i love unitrans to bits i must say~ i get to see cute guys and girls driving the bus all the time.
and back to the story~ he was driving the bus which i happen to take that night to go to a club meeting, and he reminds me a lot of Kim Hyunjoong with the same shades~
and if you happen to be living in another planet and not know what Kim Hyunjoong is.. here's a picture of him to refresh that brain of yours..

well i should warn you not to imagine that guy to be reeaaaallly similar to the pic above..only slightly similar with almost the same shades.. his face without the shades is..okay.i guess. well in my standard he's above average[?] that means his features are okay..his face is clean. by clean i mean, cleanly shaved and not much pimples in sight. and he's slightly tanned, with slight *i'm using the term 'slight' very loosely here* eyebags and dark circles under his eyes and his lips are slightly fleshier than Kim Hyunjoong's..which i personally don't mind, i find it really kissable lol.not that i've kissed a guy in the lips before. ;p and he's a lot more lankier than kim hyunjoong~ and his back is a bit hunched,i wish someone cld help him change that habit~~ haha
so after that first meeting i met him a few days after,on my way to class on wednesday..he was helping his friend who was driving the bus that day.the bus at that hours are notoriously crowded. so he's basically helping to speed things up by herding people into the bus.. i'm using the term herding loosely too..pls i'm not referring that we are sheep. if you know what i mean. ;p i was almost ecstatic to see him cos i just didn't expect to be able to see him again that quick.. and guess what, i met him again on picnic day! he was standing across of me in the parade. am i lucky or what..i mean, the whole campus is that big and i just happen to be standing right across of him~ fuck yeahh~~ and he was wearing a pair of mint colored pants~ i love mint! keke~ well the thing is he was with a girl that day.. dammit..but then again who knows who she is.. i was with a guy the whole day on picnic day too~ my indo classmate lol~ i was sorta responsible for him since i was the one who asked him to check picnic day out haha~
and so yeah,back to the main point.. so that guy which i shall refer with the term 'khj' to ease us all, was standing across of me when the parade was going on.. and of course i will not give that precious chance a miss.. i basically took a lot of pics of him.. it wasn't really intentional at first tho..he was standing across of me i couldn't help but include him in the background of my pics. and of course i took a few other close ups as well, i love my camera lol~ so that was it for picnic day~ i met him again on monday when he's playing baseball and i was on my way to the pool to watch my friends play inner tube water polo. i shall tell you inner tube water polo is so fun to watch!!!
and on wednesday, i met him again! it's the point where his position as a visual interest changed into a position as someone i'd love to have as a friend.. so i basically got his schedule figured out.wednesday at around 12.30 he'll be in the silo station where i usually transfer bus to get to my campus.. i thought i'd not be able to meet him that day cos it was 12.25 and i can't seem to spot him anywhere..then suddenly he comes running around and was practically hopping around from one bus to another just shifting the bus around like an energizer bunny! i thought it was hella cute. haha! and then something else happened. the bus that i was on wasn't moving even when it's time for it to leave the station..turns out that the bus was helping me out,letting me see him a lot longer than i was supposed to~ the bus door just won't close.. and guess who comes along hopping trying to help his fellow friend with the bus door~ /i'm so dramatic~/ but he really was skipping around the silo. omg. that was the cutest thing ever haha~ i'm so biased tho! hahahaha~
okay so he was helping his friend check the door, walking in and out of the bus i was in and just telling his friend to press any button..and there was this retractable ramp that usually people on wheelchair use, and maybe he thought that it's not retracted properly and thought that it was a good idea to jump up and down on it. literally like a little kid, he jumped up and down in front of the bus in front of all the passengers of the bus. i was trying so hard not to laugh out loud oh my good lord. he's such a cutie! and of course, the bus, knowing that i don't want to part ways with him that soon, still won't let the door close~ so he was running back and forth i don't even know where he went~ haha. after 3 mins that seems like a long yet short time the door finally closes.. i almost said "whaaat??" out loud~hahaha. but then he was outside the door doing a small yay and clapping like a kid cos he was just that happy that the door finally closes haha~ it wa the cutest thing ever~ omg i haven't felt that way looking at a guy for a long time..usually it's like oh wow he's so cool~he looks so good in that, his body is so good, but not he's such a cutieeee~ well with the exception of guys in kpop, which doesn't even count cos i won't even have a chance at all to know them in a personal level lol~i'm not that delusional guys~
so i just cannot i cannot... i really really want to get to know him! such a cheerful character haha~ but i keep getting the feeling like i've seen his face somewhere before tho, not because i think he looks like kim hyunjoong or anything, well in fact i decided that he shall not be compared to him.. but it's just as if i saw his face somewhere else.. hmm~ that's a mystery mystery~ hahahha
just wish me luck guys~ even though he might already have a girlfriend, i srsly do not mind just being his friend..he's too much of a cutie pie to give a miss~ ;p
omgggg~ i cannot stop picturing him jumping up and down~
someone stop me before i murder someone lol~ okay i shld stop it now..
and finals is coming aaaah i'm so not readyyyyy TT TT
i can't believe this term is ending!! i can't wait for the end of the year to come tho..i want to go back to indoooo!!! i miss all my crazy friends back there.. i miss all the food!!!
i miss everything i don't even know what i really miss anymore lol~
i guess it's enough for this post..i'm glad it didn't turn out as a rant post yay!
or my readers will have faces like this..
not another rant post!!!
so okay my job is done i shall fill you guys in again if i have anything that's not rant and interesting...
annyeongggg~~ i shall drink more tea! :D