Sunday, May 23, 2010

sorry for not posting for a long time..busy~doing nothing.hha
not sure what to just posting to say Hi..hha.
most of my friends already posted about my homeroom teacher's birthday.and i didn't bring my cam that no pics.*sorry* i'll just give u links of my friends' posts.hhe.
rizki's post. and jcy's blog*her post is the one on may 21st*

yesterday.went out with jcy,rizki and justi..loitering around in BCS.talking bout random was quite fun.doing weird stuffs together.hha.
again i got no pics..just read on jcy and rizki's blog.*boy,am i lazy..*

this is my cousin,thierry..look at his fringe~~ an exquisite work of art..made by HIMSELF.hahha
he hid himself in his parents room and cut his own fringe while the whole fam is downstairs eating..when he went downstairs,the first thing he said is:"does my hair look nice?" the whole room bursts into laughter..even his mom was speechless and just laughed.hha
i guess it's just normal when kids his age does that.*he's 6 now*
i cut my own hair too when i was about his age,so did my lil's funny but i guess kids just want to know what it's like to cut their own are so curious~~hha.we live when we are curious.hha.*at least that's what natgeo said,"live curious."am so stealing taglines from everywhere.hha*

on friday i went to SGIA to watch some kind of music's really nice.everything is in neat order and the whole show went on very smoothly.
the pics were liek..-______- coz i'm so far from the stage.hha.
on the second pic,the blue things are actually hands.the whole room went dark and flourescent lamps shone on the was really reminds me of ELFs' glowstick because it's also blue.hhaha.

anyway,there was like this major car accident on friday night..
the victims' age are about the same as of them is jcy's acquintance/friend.i just read it on the newspaper just now*liek 5 mins ago*it was really bad.the car is somehow crushed as if something crashed into it real was said that the car rolled.i got goosebumps just by reading it..gosh it's guys,don't speed when driving.getting somewhere a few seconds later/faster doesn't make much difference..
their parents must feel very is said that children are not filial when they make their parents send them of to the netherworld before their kids,u must live your life well to pay off your debts to your parents.!
and one of the deceased got a girlfriend.i can't imagine how hurt she must felt like she has been struck by a lightning..i feel sad for her too.
getting into a car accident is quite scary.i almost met with a car accident once..a container truck drove into the back of my car.i got the shock of my life..the back of my car was liek crushed..but thank God no one was hurt.

now i'm kinda pissed off by someone..
some people just don't know when to stop.aigoo~~

that's all now..

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