Wednesday, September 15, 2010

hey,back again~~
i'm going to do another picspam today.hha.
i really got nothing to say lately~actually i have a few,but it's not suitable for public 'appreciation' way i'm digging another hole for myself to jump i prefer to write in my notebook with a pen.i'm like Harriet the Spy~~but if i had to choose between being a spy and having friends,i'd choose having friends..i don't like being a spy*tho i like to stalk. ;D*

i took these pics last Sat..when i went to Ocarina with my fam~~
it was such a HOT day i tot i was going to melt.LOL
but the sky was sooooo beautiful at sunset that day,so it was kinda worth the afternoon heat~of course i had ice cream~but i finished it in a hurry coz it was melting so quickly thus not having a pic..and there was sooooo many people there,maybe 1/3 of batam went there~*exaggerating,AGAIN*but it was so full of people and so full of trash,the only thing that's not full are the trashcans.*OH THE IRONY* the beach is literally covered with trash..gosh how dirtier can those people be?

and then,
a picture of me by a classmate of mine, whose name is Dwiki,for his art assignment..*do i really look like THAT^?yes?no?*
yes,i might as well give u guys a pic for was took today~and yes i got leopard-print-rabbit-ears~i bought them with mah girlfriend,jcy~~
ah..tell me what u think of that pic...personally,i like the shading of my hair~~~it's beautifully done..but i'm quite unhappy by the fact that in the pic my face look soooo ROUND!but my opinion is not so important~i'm not the one scoring it.mwuhaha~

uhm..i guess that's it then..

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