this is my first and maybe the only fan account i'm going to make in my whole fangirl life,cos i'm not that optimistic about going to another concert. GOD this is like the first time i actually ask YOU to give me lots of go on concerts...... aaand i think i'm hearing the sound of rejection there..a big fat REJECTED stamp on my proposal.
and if i was to work my ass off to get a lot of money,i don't think i'll have the time nor mood to be a fangirl haha~there goes my plans...of to the drain.
so i'm not going to start directly at the day that marked the official start *or maybe end* of my fangirl life,i'm not really sure myself haha.i'll start from the day i went to Singapore with my bestie and half sister,shery..well not sure if shery will love her name being here,but then again,she might not even care :p
i went to SG at sept 8th,which was 2 days before the concert..why? of course it's for shopping.haha. it's not like i'm being snobby or anything,i hardly ever buy clothes at Batam and not to mention shoes,i can't seem to find a pair that can fit me,unless it's sneakers.too bad i was born in the wrong country.everywhere i go people will say i have a 'caucasian size' which either implies that i'm FAT or TALL or both.haha.well i don't really mind people saying that,i just take it as a compliment now.let those people envy my SIZE haha!
and for the following 3 nights i stayed at my other besties and half sisters' place.they are sisters,isey and iwen.isey is a 93liner like me,childhood friends much.and her lil sis is like my lil sis too.a 96liner.both studying at SG currently.
on the 9th,went shopping together with only shery cos isey was sick and iwen had a workshop at school..went to bugis to fulfill my shopping desire*lol desire*
and guess what i saw....
yes it's a picture of a fountain,but if you look closely you'll see a little boy,prolly in the age of 2,playing in the fountain.well that fountain in bugis is usually filled with kids playing water from it,well to be quite honest maybe i was one of the kids playing there.idk how long that fountain has been there,but my lil bro and youngest lil sis sure played at that fountain before.and well that day was a bit special though,cos that little boy standing there was NAKED.yes not wearing anything.well he was wearing shorts at first before his mom decided to take it off,but the kid just ran off and continued playing there.his mom just let him do that,well until there's quite some crowd of people looking at that kid.passer-bys start taking pics of him,and well i'm one of them.and if you can spot a little girl holding a pink balloon in the pink,you should've seen her expression when he saw that boy.she had a shocked face and her brows were knitted together! how cute~ haha.
the rest of the day was mostly window shopping and walking and a bit of shopping.i got myself a long skirt,and 2 tops. i didn't get any shoes cos none caught my eyes..well a few pairs did,but sadly they were killer heels.i don't really need those right now.i want either flat shoes or boots!
and then came the most important day of my whole trip to sg. September 10th 2011.haha.
woke up at 5am even when i slept only at 2am cos i cant sleep at all! barely able to open my eyes in the morn,i cant even look at my reflection at the mirror..took one pic on the way to the stadium.and i looked liek hell! i mean i wasn't even awake enough to care about how i looked haha!

look at that~3 barely awake girls.*first of all sorry to iwen and shery for putting your bare faces online like this,mine was bare too :p*well from left to right it's me,baby iwen and baby can see it's dark in the windows behind us.yes it's pitch black outside.cos we're in an underground tunnel. haha! okay this is stupid.haha but when i got to the Singapore Indoor Stadium,mr.Sun was just rising from his bed as well but there's already a long line there!talk about KIASU haha!*for those who doesn't know what kiasu means,it's a hokkien word,meaning,afraid to lose* yes and it's somewhat a trademark for singaporeans,i have no means to discriminate or anything,it's a common fact :p
the pic on top is the Pen A group,and the second pic is the line for Pen B,the Pen where i'll be in.all of the people who're lining up were constantly nervous and ready to run each time there seems to be a small group of people,many others will join them.
the whole morning was spent by going to and fro,moving from a spot to another at the queue.and at around 9 or 10am we were finally moved to an official line where we would get wrist tagged so that we can enter the stadium.
so this is the official line~a lot of people before me and a lot after as well..after getting our wrist tagged,me and iwen went to queue for the official merchandises,lightsticks and towels,under the hot sun!it was 12 when we got wrist tagged and both i and iwen ran to the merchandise stand and found a reaaaaaal long line!i was dumbfounded..
this was the line in front of me.and it wasn't a straight one,it was curvy,so imagine the number of fangirls and boys there! i would have suffered from a heatstroke if i had not met 4 nice shawols.2 let me stay under their umbrellas.they were so nice~that's how easy we can make friends in fandoms haha. one of the benefits of joining a fandom.making new friends is like too easy haha.
and this is the line behind me..what fans do for their idols..others won't get it.
after queueing for about 45 minutes that seemed like forever,the queue finally starts moving.and in less than 15 minutes i got my merchandise.well i must say the staffs there works quite efficiently haha. then had quick lunch before getting back to the line.
and surely in every fandoms there are fanclubs.i don't know about others,but shawols are waaaay JJANG!!! i mean i saw fans from china,japan,korea and taiwan there,just to share hand banners and photocards to the fans who were queueing.and it's all for free.i got myself 2 banners and a photocard as well.really really nice and devoted fans
and also there were these 2 cute guys carrying two barrels of soda on their back and giving it out for free.the guy with the grape soda was a real cutie.haha!
and after what seemed like forever,finally got inside the stadium!
cameras are not allowed inside the stadium actually,managed to capture blurry pics of the stadium anyways haha~besides i wasnt the only one snapping away.there were a lot of people snapping away while the concert was going and it was really annoying cos the security will shine their flashlights at those people and most of them were around me.i got annoyed quite a lot i started to find ways to annoy those who were taking pics,like waving my lightsticks in front of their camera lenses.yes i am that kind of a bitch haha! you get on my bad side,i show you my worst ;p
enough of the to talk about the boys..
just like the other concerts before,this one started with The SHINee World.gosh it was breath taking.well the whole concert was breath taking,but the start was always the best.adrenaline rushed thru my head like wow..i forgot the sequence of the songs next but i will share about the few moments that got me gasping for air haha!
well there were quite a bit of jjongkey moments in the concert that got me squealing like a little girl fave OTP in front of my eyes~! i mean wow!
the boys were as flawless as i expected them to be.their faces were soooo smooth! porcelain like! if they were to sit still,i would believe if people told me they were mannequins. and i guess i got the lucky spot cos there were quite a lot of fanservice near the spot that i'm standing..and standing in the sea of people there i was soooo happy that i am a 'caucasian size' girl like yeah! i mean standing at 170++ and having quite a big body,i can see well to the stage and push people out of the way so easily haha!
the unforgettable moments were quite a lot~like how the boys floated like angels and devils haha. the lullaby was the best,i mean,onew really looked like an angel with those wings.and the other boys looked so pure too with the all white attire.angelic!
but the next minute they looked so devilish while performing Lucifer.what can't those boys do?
okay so they started with The SHINee world,then it was idk, RDD? or Hello first?i'm not sure.
their solos were real good as well..
the first solo was Taemin's.he was dancing reaaaaaal good! i was so absorbed to him at that moment~then it was Jonghyun's..tbqh at first i was quite freaked out by jjong's solo.don't get me wrong he's like my first kpop love,i mean no's just that i felt that there was something weird about his voice that night,idk whether it's him being too tired or there's something wrong with the sound system.but then,only jjong can pull out a performance like that~! although his voice wasn't as airy as usual,it's still really good.i mean what kind of human can sing like that haha. then it was Minho's O.M.G..and yes i must say OH MY GOSH to the perf.tbqh,minho is like my least fave member if i had to choose..cos on screen and in pics,his face shows arrogance of some he's trying too hard to be cool.but that performance changed my views towards him.his nickname is Flaming Charisma Minho,and after witnessing it with my own eyes,i agree that he has got flaming charisma!haha.he danced to OMG wearing a suit without any shirt inside,and in the middle of the perf he unbuttoned the suit,showing his 8packs like OMG.i was like oh my GOOD LORD!my eyes got glued to his body.and throughout the concert when he walked towards my spot and act all cool,his charisma just sucked me in.really really charismatic! i wonder how T.O.P will be like since his charisma shows in photos as well.haha!
then it was the most anticipated My First Kiss perf by Key starring Taemin as the girl.i was like ohmygosh that BUTT! haha. taemin dressed up as a girl wearing sparkly mini skirts,pink top and stockings,not to forget his yellow blonde wig! i cant take my eyes of both taem and was superb!
and after the solo,they performed favorite song ever~my life battery charger,first aid kit,my lifesaver. this song has magical powers..haha~and i'm not exaggerating.. okay maybe a bit ;p
then there was a pause,and then a lot of sad songs,i can only remember some,like quasimodo,life,romantic,obsession,graze.ah it's all a blur i can't remember the sequence.but i remember while singing graze,key gave a really sad look at my direction,i almost cried dramatic ;p
then Replay,Love Like Oxygen..and Up and Down..and...ONEW's solo~ idk when it was but i think it happened before the lullaby part.nessun dorma?was it the name of the song onew was singing?idk,but it was damn good.damn damn good. like the best i've ever heard onew! i mean,onew,how can i not love you!
and the most important song that night was of course was EPIC.EPIC.with all capitals and bold.haha~really the boys were dancing and then they were floating around.and all shawols were shouting so loud i almost got deaf,for real,my left ear hurt for 2 days after the concert >< they were throwing balls as well i forgot to what song..was it Bodyguard??i think so..i almost got Key's ball,the one he kissed before he threw,a red one.but then it rolled on the ground after someone hit it.i mean i don't want to risk losing my hand was not worth my money making tool lol.i was quite dumbfounded when jjong decided to throw his basket of balls altogether at only one direction,that DORK!i almost strangled him mentally lol.Key on the other hand was really fanservicing real well.he kissed every ball before throwing it.really,if only i got the ball haha..maybe next time? ;p
then they went in,everyone was shouting for encore.and they emerged singing Jojo?okay i really cannot remember the messed up this brain!also not to forget,SM's ritual[?] -> water fights.the boys poured water at each other..the cutest things ever.Taem seems to be the one who got all his hyungs wet cute that maknae~
and the last song was was the most touching song,i remember crying to it the first time i listened to it.haha~
and then after the song,a lot of the shawols took out the happy Key day banner showed it out,as it was Key's birthday month,so all the shawols decided to do an early celebration.and it was a success.seems like jjong was really excited about it,he took a banner from a fan and brought it to Key.Key seemed to be really touched when we sang the happy birthday song for him.i mean i would too if i were him haha! jjong sprayed his Key with a can of idk what to call it.streamers?strings?'s just a can of stuff you spray and string like stuff comes out.haha.wth is that called. i am most relieved when i see jjong was happy.cos for me his emotions was the most important,idk why.haha.maybe he was the grumpy dino that gets cross so easily haha. the ending to the concert,for me,was the most special ending to any other SWCs can compare to this one.even though the number of shawols may not be as much as the one in japan,taiwan or china,but at this concert in SG,Key got a surprise like that.haha.he promised to come back,just like any other artist will,but then again the next time he's there,idk where i'll be.haha.
the concert ended at around 10 pm.the trip home was quite good beside the MRT that's sooooo flooded with people.
that's one very blurry pic cos i took it while going down the stairs.if i was to stop i might get pushed down and die there haha~all oh the colourful dots are humans.fangirls and boys,shawols.and a few lost caucasians thinking,what the hell is this.hahhaha.
but yeah got to iwen's house safely~with dinner and koi~and yeah i didn't know they got Comebuy at SG as well~haha~makes me miss hualien abit.i wish they got Dinggo here.i'll go buy the orange green tea everyday~
the next day was liek a blur.i spent the whole day feeling as if i only had half of my soul left in my body.i just walked like a zombie here and arms hurt,my legs hurt.i got a mild headache,but still i managed to get to my fave place in the world,a bookstore!and got myself a book!like yeah baby~~~that's the old me before immersing to kpop,a girl who wears specs,got braces on,no confidence,no make up,hangs out in a bookstore LOL. after immersing in kpop,i still wear specs at class or when i'm too lazy for contacts,braces were off 2 years ago,got make up,and a lot more confidence thanks to my bias,Key, who showed me what real confidence is.haha.i still hang out in bookstores.PUHLEEESS i will die without books.bookstores are my kind of heaven..people who don't read,should really start.really..there are a lot of great nonfictions that are inspirational.a lot of fictions also carry really good messages.i kinda stopped reading romantic cheesy love fictions now,more to the nonfic now.haha. i bought 2 books,one with the title UGLY by Constance Briscoe and the other one was BEAUTIFUL by Katie Piper,2 inspirational women.really.girls should take time to read it~
well i got the book UGLY before i went to Hualien.i digested that book in less than 2 days.the book BEAUTIFUL,i bought it on Sunday,done with it on Monday.the speed i read books i love,faster than i eat.and those books are quite thick too.i need more cash to buy books~ donations anyone?
back to the fan account,these are the merchandises and stuffs i got from the concert~
the official lightstick.pearlescent sky blue is the colour's name.i prefer to call it turquoise..and i'm sure a lot of guys doesn't even know what turquoise is..i don't blame guys.they got limited colours in their lives lol.
the purple wrist tag for Pen B. Pen A got a shocking pink one.i prefer this one~prettier ;p
the slogan towel which my babies asked wth i would use it for.i'm not sure myself,but i'm glad to have it.haha~
and the banners~the red one is the Happy Key Day banner we held up at the end of the concert.the yellow one is jjong's's iwen's though..i didn't get one~ TT
but still forever pleased to get Key's haha~
i don't know when i'm going to be that close to perfection again..ah..let me save more money first haha~
and yeah i got totally sick after coming back from SG.flu,headache,coughing~pls lemme get well soon :(
annyeong babies ♥
it's 3 am in the morn,stuffy nose killing me indirectly ><
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