Tuesday, July 19, 2011

hi i'm back~!
let's see~~what shall i talk about today~
ah let's talk about what i did last sunday..since i have absolutely no photos of the whole episode so u guys just have to believe me.hahahaha. mideojwoyo~

that day 2 of the office jiejie brought me and a few of my friends to a...river[?] *i dont really know,blame my birthplace for not having enough natural spots to play at.* well if i remember correctly the place is called san zhan.
so we went there to cliff dive[?] *why am i describing things so awkwardly?* well maybe not cliff..it's more like a 2 story high slab of rock that u can climb onto and jump from,into the cold river water.is that cliff diving?i mean pls somebody correct me if i'm wrong.i'll give u lots of love*liek yeah i'm that freaking poor that i don't even have anything to give u in return*
to get to that piece of rock/cliff*call it whatever u like* was totally a struggle.yes i am exaggerating cos obviously i've never been the outdoor type of girl back home.even tho i am an outdoor type there's nowhere to go.the beach is so not challenging.haha. we had to walk upriver and on the river banks there were large stones everywhere.it hurts a lot to walk on all that.and i was thankful i didn't bring my camera cos if i did it would probably be swimming when i fell into the water while walking.i have the worst balance ever~!
so when we finally arrived at the place where the slab of 2 story high rock/cliff was there was quite some people.i think they were there to river raft cos they look so prepared and it was impossible that they're only going rock/cliff diving.
the water was quite clear and really cool.i grew up loving to play in the water so i immediately took a dip in the cool water.it felt so refreshing especially after the 'journey' to get there cos it was quite hot~i love the feeling a lot.i always love the feeling of being in the water,although i get uncomfortable in the sea,but i reaaaally love swimming.pools and rivers work for me~hahaha.
after quite some time being there,more and more people came.the people who left quite a deep impression on me are the aboriginal*yuan zhu min* kids~they are waaaay cool~!they jump from the rock as if it's only a feet high.i couldn't even climb up the rock,my legs went jelly~even if i got on the top i'll probably be stuck there.which is kinda funny if u think about it.well,at least it's amusing to me.many things are amusing to me.yes i have a really weird sense of humor pls ignore me.
but i did jump off a rock tho~!even though it's liek only 1.5 metre high.but at least i found the courage to jump.which i'm really proud of.this might be a small thing for many of u guys,but for me,who's terribly afraid of heights*which some might say ironic cos i'm quite a tall person* it's quite a great step.well the first jump didn't count as MY jump.as u know the first jump is always the hardest but i managed to jump off very quickly thanks to an aboriginal kid.he totally knocked me on my butt and sent me flying off the rock,screaming 'aaaack~!'.it was freaking funny tho,well at least for me it was hilarious.imagine a person 1.7 metre's tall get knocked off by a kid who's liek 1.4 metres tall and very skinny too~!i think i made a super loud splash~failed to hear a thing tho.all i heard was the sound of bubbles escaping from my nose and mouth.hahahaha. but for the second jump,i jumped by myself~i was liek,jane,let's do it~!!!and i jumped~with a loud splash i got into the cool water~i did that for several times and which each jump it got more fun~
there was a kid which was extremely hilarious tho.he said:jiejie u are so pretty.what's ur name?and i was liek:what???are u trying to ask me out? so cute~~he's such a fluffy chubby kid~!and a proud one too.he was telling me:jiejie,u know what,i've been jumping from this rock since i was in kindergarten~i was liek kid i'm not a local so please forgive me for not being able to meet your standard.hahahhaha.
well i also got a souvenir from mr.Sunshine tho~look at my hand.yes i'm that idiot who wears a watch while playing under the sun all day~now i have to wear my watch no matter what~ 
my face also got a little sunburnt,it hurts when i crinkle my nose~but my cheeks are so pink i love it~!

buuut my sunday didn't just end.i still got some energy left in my life battery so i decided to go watch Harry Potter woots~
finally i can finish what i started since primary school..hahahha.anyway neville longbottom grew into such a hottie.he was such an annoying character at first.hahaha.
and of course dont forget my fave characters,the weasley twins..i don't rly know when i started liking those 2 cos honestly speaking i'm not a Harry Potter fan,i just watched it cos i watched the first 3 and i think it's such a pity to stop halfway.haha.
i kinda liked bellatrix too though she's an evil witch.i just love eccentric people.luna lovegood is also one of my fave.the way she speaks is an art itself.hahaha.
well although i was a bit disappointed by how easily voldemort broke into tiny pieces,overall it's still a good movie.just felt that some scenes seemed to be rushed.ahaha.and of course i can never see snape in the same light anymore.i shall not say too much or else it'll be considered a spoiler to those who havent watched the movie or read the book~

after the movie i went shopping for some things~
nail polish=forever my obsession.sometimes i feel that i need more nails.hahahha.
the brand is INTEGRATE by SHISEIDO.i love SHISEIDO~their products are really jjang~!
this is an eyepencil or eyeliner~it's MAJOLICA MAJORCA by SHISEIDO*again*how can any girl not like majolica majorca~i really loved their mascara although i have to go to singapore to buy it..japanese and korean make up is liek the best make up u can get.even though it's a bit expensive compared to other brands but it's really worth it..i'm so going to buy the eyepencil in other colours~

this post is getting too long~

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