Saturday, May 19, 2012

babbling nonstop~

hi! 我回來了!好久不見 lolol 
今天超想用中文寫博客的~ 所以不會讀中文的寶貝們,對不起啦 哈哈哈
hmmm 那該說什麼好呢?

暑假到了!我終於考完finals了~ 天啊,這兩個星期超痛苦的!一直不停的寫paper,還要讀很多materials。art history害到我快要瘋掉了。幸好我的paper還可以拿到37/50。不然我一定會抓狂!!!

yes i just feel like writing in mandarin for a bit earlier.. but still i put a lot of english words in it lol. i still fail at mandarin..i should practice more!!!or maybe go back to taiwan next summer keke~

so..what i wrote in mandarin earlier is basically just reporting my current condition.. i'm officially done with my spring term!yay for me!!! finals week was sooo bad i was so stressed out i almost just lost it.. art history was the worst for me! beside that ridiculous paper, the finals almost just made me give up on studying!!! but i survived!! yesssss~~ i felt so happy on the last day of finals i just didn't care anymore haha.
it was kinda sad that the spring term has ended just like this tho.. mostly bcos i won't meet any of my classmates anymore next term..only if i'm extreeeemely lucky. that means i won't be able to meet that jae anymore..which is a good thing i guess..i won't have to worry about someone spitting in front of me anymore lmao~ but i'm gonna miss that face of his.. the only thing about him that i like haha.
plus i probably won't meet that khj guy anymore..dayum~ last day of finals he was the one who drove the bus to my campus i was mad happy i stared at him like a creeper. no regrets! even if i creeped him out, i would totally regret it if i didn't stare at him. cos who knows when i'm gonna meet him again~ it's not like we even know each other or anything lolol.

i'm a bit /depressed/ right now. cos my babies and kids are here in LA and i'm nowhere near socal right now~ dammit i feel like flying to LA right nowwww~ i want to see my exo babies and SHINee kids~
and talking about my baby SHINee, they are going to be 4 years old in a few days!!! i so need to write a blogpost dedicated to their birthday!!! i can't believe it's already 4 years since i'm in kpop~!!! seeing my SHINee babies grow up so well..i feel like a proud mom lmao. plus SM family has just got themselves a new baby into the family!! 12 little babies in exo! my love for exo is so big i cannot with all of them.. i just couldn't pick a bias!!! but if you put a knife on my throat i'd choose Kris!
i would totally love to intro the whole group here but you guys can do your own research if you're interested..i don't rly want to annoy my readers anymore lolol

i'm still very convinced that exo has some kind of spell that made me fell uncontrollably for them.. they are just the cutest thing ever i really feel like they are babies! well except for kris he's just a bitch-faced duizhang who is too sexy to be seen as a baby lol.
honestly when i first saw kris, i did not like him at all.. i was surprised that a lot of people actually like him when they saw his teaser and i was just "mehh so what".. i guess i shouldn't have done that bcos now i'm just crazy about him! haha
but truly his face is not the type that i'd fall for...i'm just in a constant battle with can i fall for a face like that.. but..his body tho.. his body is no joke! that i can guarantee you.. his body is soooooo good! i mean his proportions look like he popped out of a comic book..esp the comic called "the wallflower" his proportions is just like the 4 boys in that comic!!! i just love his hands~ so big with long fingers.. the type that will keep your hands warm in winter lol. i have hand fetishes now lmao. yes kris is the leader with crazy body proportions and a bitch face that will melt you when he smiles. his smile is the craziest thing in the world you absolutely cannot spit at his smiling face!hahahhah. i tried to frown at his smile,i really did but it failed horribly lmao.
but,even tho kris has that crazy body proportions, i really like the body of another member.. it's tao, the kungfu panda who actually is just a cutiepie who's also a bag of fail~ haha. tao has the best musculature in exo! thanks to years of practicing wushu i guess.. so guys,if you want a body that girls will go crazy for, practicing wushu would be something you guys should consider in the plan. cos tao's thighs, butt, arms and abdomen is no joke. especially his thighs and butt. i will not sugarcoat this but rly i'm in love with his butt lol~ and i've always love guys' thighs since i don't know when.. i love key's thighs too it's the best thing ever ;p 
sometimes i do wonder what people think about my love for thighs and butts lmao.. sometimes i wonder whether they even know that i love thighs and butts and that sometimes when i see pics my eyes would wander to the crotch first lmao~ i guess i should try to get rid of that habit..what if i met someone and i directly stare at his crotch.. awkward.. but srsly i've done my research..guys who exercise a lot will have really nice butts~ hahahha unless you're just born butt-less..then there's basically nothing i can do hahahha. xiumin also has naise butts omg ide.
i told myself i should let these things stay in tumblr but i just can't aahhh~~someone stop me!

i must say, after liking kpop, nothing really freaks me out much anymore haha~ 
i'd totally love to share this MV which i personally love to bits after watching it for a few times

i will not deny that i was a bit put off by the teaser..but i checked the MV out anyways cos who can contain my curiosity.. first view i was thinking omg what is that!!! but then i just love it anyway hahahha~ the thing that shocked me the most is that the girl in 1:54 is junsu himself!! damn my pride as a girl is hurt so much how can a guy look that pretty! hahahha. a youtuber even commented that it beats gaga! how cool is that~!! hahaha
and talking about gaga, i heard that there's some problems regarding her concert in jakarta.. because she is, and i quote this, "inappropriate" for the public consumption and "satanic". and i'm like really?you think gaga is satanic? and so what if she's satanic..will she like convert indo fans into cult followers or something lolol. is indo really that backwards? /sigh/ why can't you just let her fans enjoy her music??? sometimes i wonder is it an indonesian trait to meddle into other people's business and just do unnecessary stuff even when you have more important things to care about. is it? or am i just stereotyping here haha~ just show gaga some indonesian love okay~ hahaha

i guess that's it for tonight..i'm too sleepy to continue.. i might start blabbering stuff that no one wants to read about..which probably means it's gonna either be reaaally boring, or it's just the ugliest truth about something or someone or myself. 

annyeong! ☀

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