but yeah stats class is cancelled so i had the afternoon off for a rly nice nap. which is rly sad too imo.... but yeah the reason why my stats class was cancelled is bcos my lecturer is going trick or treating with his 2 year old omg isn't it the cutest thing ever. we were all aww-ing at class on monday lol. yeah
i actually have an assignment to do for my writing class *this class' assignments are never-ending im so tired tbh*
and i'm bored as shit so imma answer these questions... it's kinda sad cos these questions are posted in tumblr for other ppl to put in your askbox lol. but whatever... let's do it as an activity to keep my sanity in check. and i don't really care if anyone wants to know anything about me... i just feel like sharing so deal with it ;p
then i'll probably do my assignment
50 Good Questions /lol/
1. what’s your favorite candle scent?
hmm..i dont think i have a favorite candle scent.. i never used one before...
2. what female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
hmm... i don't know. i've never wanted anyone to be my sister lol. but to have someone like yoon se-ah as a sister seems nice. haha.
3. what male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
ngl sometimes i wished kim jonghyun was my brother lol.
4. how old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
idk tbh but looking at how i'm still single right now i think it's gonna be at least when i'm 25 lol.
5. do you know a hoarder?
i dont think so.. i would say that my cousin is a semi hoarder tho lol she has so much clothes and shoes and bags ohgod. hahaha
6. can you do a split?
no. i'm so stiff in the joints even my dad's joints are more flexible -__- i might die young lol.
7. how old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
hmm..6? or 7 i think. i still remember where i learnt it and who i learnt it from lol.
8. how many oceans have you swam in?
oceans?? i don't swim in oceans but i do swim in seas...
9. how many countries have you been to?
hmm.. at least 5.
10. is anyone in your family in the army?
nope. never rly known any chinese indo who's in the military anyways...
11. what would you name your daughter if you had one?
i never really thought about it but there was once when i wanted to name my daughter jane lol. but 2 janes in a house is never good.
12. what would you name your son if you had one?
this one i never thought about like never for once hahaha. i'll have to talk about it with my future husband lol.
13. what’s the worst grade you got on a test?
hmm.. i think it's 1 point smtg for a test with a full score of 10...... that's an absolute F
14. what was your favorite tv show when you were a child?
tom and jerry? haha. and wild thornberries and some random nickelodeon cartoons oh i miss the rugrats!
15. what did you dress up as on halloween when you were eight?
well.. we don't really celebrate halloween in indo... so.. haha. this is actually my first halloween and i'm spending it in such a sad way ugh
16. have you read any of the harry potter, hunger games or twilight series?
i will admit it. i read the twilight saga but not harry potter nor the hunger games. i'm not very proud of myself for that. smh
17. would you rather have an american accent or a british accent?
what is an american accent lol. but srsly who wld want an american accent when you can speak like a brit haha
18. did your mother go to college?
nope, but my dad did~
19. are your grandparents still married?
i guess so... i mean you can't divorce someone who's dead right?
20. have you ever taken karate lessons?
yes at school and i failed miserably to remember anything i learnt from that class fml
21. do you know who kermit the frog is?
22. what’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
hmm. genting highlands? idk i have this very blurry memory of going to a disneyland of some sort but idek if i really went to any disney before i was 5...
23. what language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
well i'm fluent in both english and indo and can speak mandarin in an okay way with a weird accent.. so maybe i'd like to be fluent in korean? just to make my life easier if i want to watch dramas lol
24. do you spell the color as grey or gray?
25. is your father bald?
no my dad has fab hair idek how he did it......
26. do you know triplets?
does this question mean do i know what a triplet is or do i know any triplets?
27. do you prefer titanic or the notebook?
never seen the notebook before and i'm sick of titanic tbh hahaha it is aired on tv for almost every public holiday in indo i mean srsly indo.
28. have you ever had indian food?
yep i like it~~~~
29. what’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
i don't have a fave restaurant tbh i don't rly rank my food lol
30. have you ever been to olive garden?
31. do you belong to any warehouse stores (costco, bj’s, etc.)?
do i belong to what? excuse you i belong to my parents.
32. what would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
john? idk hahahaha
33. if you have a nickname, what is it?
my nickname? i used to be called elin/aline however that's spelled lol. my maternal grandma used to call me that all the time idek why. and i was called "watermelon" when i was in taiwan.
34. who’s your favorite person in the world?
myself. haha!
35. would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
hmm. idk. whichever one that has faster internet shall be where i choose
36. can you whistle?
i used to be able to but after i wore braces it's just gone like poof i'm so sad now i get annoyed whenever people whistle cos i can't. yes i'm that kind of a bitch lol
37. do you sleep with a nightlight?
no i need it to be super dark to be able to sleep
38. do you eat breakfast every morning?
39. do you take any pills or medication daily?
nope, but i think i shld start taking vitamins daily...
40. what medical conditions do you have?
is fat a medical condition lol. hmm.. none of that i know of i think..
41. how many times have you been to the hospital?
not much and i would like to keep it that way
42. have you ever seen finding nemo?
like yeahhh i cried so much lol
43. where do you buy your jeans?
anywhere that sells jeans. i dont really go to shops that sells only jeans tho... it's so expensive....
44. what’s the last compliment you got?
i don't remember ohgod this is sad lolol
45. do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
not really..especially if i woke up rushed
46. what flavor tea do you enjoy?
green tea!
47. how many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
the ones i have with me rn, 9 pairs.
48. what religion will you raise your children to practice?
hmm... i have no answer for this tbh. haha.
49. how old were you when you found out that santa wasn’t real?
pretty young probably, well i never really believed in santa at the first place tho. haha
50. why do you have a blog?
well first it was this thing i made with a few of my friends but up to this moment the only ones that are still updating their blogs are justi, and me. mostly. others are just quitting it cos their lives are taking over lol.
so yeah this is my 50 questions... maybe is should find a halloween edition question tag.. or maybe not. cos i have no answers for the questions..
and yeah cos i don't have any costumes and stuff i have no pics of costumes to share to you guys..
but last year on halloween i did a little eyeliner session with myself *lol whatever that is* and this is this year's version lol
so yeah that's my fab face people. i hope you readers aren't disappointed to see my beautiful face lol. is this what you guys expect my face to be? i mean yeah i had a pic on the profile but that's last year's pic lol.
so whaddya think? do i look pretty or do i look like a pile of poop. im not even going to put a question mark there lol.
yeah i'm still so totally bored and still really full tbh cos i went straight for a nap after lunch lol. and today is really cold.. i hope the kids who goes trick or treating won't get a cold~ >< and it's sad that i live in an apartment complex filled with college kids.... i want 5 year-olds to knock on my door with their cutest costumes *__*
i should just do my assignment...
aaaah this class is killing meeeeh~ killing me softly with its assignments.
so yeah whatever jane.
in a nutshell happy halloween readers i hope you guys had a fun one!!!